About ten years ago a client gave a very strict brief. The ring had to be in a position where gymnast´s foot seems to be in the middle of it. Her pose should be the very best she could do and go by the official rules of the rhythmic gymnastics. Ouch!
I was shooting with HBL 500, cause the client wanted overly large file for some reason, maybe to make a poster? So we started. She put the ring going around her foot and I shot and shot. First about ten polaroids to get the lights ok. Then with film 120 / 12 / 200 ISO. I shot ten rolls and went to lab to get them developed.
Exposure was great, all frames were tack sharp...BUT the ring was not in right position in any of the 120 frames. In every frame I had shot too early or too late.
Then we took about twenty polaroids to get to know when to press the shutter and finally I got my assistant to shout ...NOW...when the ring was in totally wrong place and I got two frames just right cause of the lag. On the other frame, one of flashguns did not fire, so after a days work I had ONE frame that was OK.
Oh boy---- if I had a digicam then.
Just at the moment I have a chance to work as a staffer for some months in a smallish newspaper in Southern Finland, the paper is for swedish speaking minority of Finland. These two brave women are trying to save a school that has been discontinued by the authorities. The children would like to stay in this idyllic little schoolhouse.
Same Borgåbladet paper as above. The authorities have decided to build a housing project in this area but it has served as a dumping ground for decades and some poisonous ashes can still be found.