...first we eat some caviar stuffed snails...

...then let´s drink a hot shot Galliano....

...and some ice cream with orange with pear syrup dressing....

...then we fly to Estonia, Tallin and eat some chicken covered with chocklade...

...finally some applepie stuffed with strawberries and Dom Perignon.....

...and if You still are hungry, some sliced and air dried ox----

Flattery and lies never help a photographer. Only a real update of photog´s skills may help him to get better and more creative. We remember only those words that shake our reality.

This is my basic teaching method…is highly unpopular though ;-)

The place of an accident.

A homeboy at Finnish archipelago.

A lovable artist.

Finteens celebrating the springbreak.

Found in customs. Waiting for execution…...

Finland, the land of midnitesun.

Another one bites the dust -- another is watching.

Checking out, my mom waiting to die at 83.

Delivery boy, taking food to retired people.

At funeral, when does father come back? Does he?????

A STUKA of birdland

Some profession, shooting newborn from 9 to 5

A mag asked for the moon, I gave it ---with some branches.

Leaving dogs outside of the Pubs in Finland.

A new job for a happy handicapped girl ( she was much much nicer that us having all capabilities)

A suicide, the finnish way to go. She even smiled to truck driver just before….

Going to a party. With some drinks.

Training a horse.

New real talent, not a new Linda Lampenius.

Waiting to get in the game.

Dangerous roads in wintertime.

The killing grounds. A man was strangled to death here a couple of months ago. Now he`s haunting around (as locals say), dogs won´t go there and at nighttime a strange howling can be heard. Believe that?

This was taken in a home for elderly people. Driving with their Mercedes around, wearing happily  the famous finnish Aino shoes. And very alone each. Should You go to see Your granny?

6,5 million animals die every year killed by cars in Finland.

Death of an elderly woman. My mom -to be exact.

Newborns foot in dad´s hand. Me as the dad.

A housing project ready.

Risks of speeding.

A kid in danger, trafic accident.

Last man guarding, death of old barracks and military base.
EU food support for finnish poor people.

The next five are about childs life. And the first one tries to tell how hard it is when Your own dad is the coach.

The last communist.

August - my beloved grandad...